

We are continually energized and motivated by the world around us. Below are a few favorite sources of inspiration.

Bridgespan Leading for Impact in Chicago

Bridgespan’s Leading for Impact®-Chicago program is a two-year program that helps nonprofit leadership teams build the skills they need to successfully balance their organizations’ goals, time, and resources. Aim & Arrow Group was a leader in the Chicago cohorts, working with most of Chicago’s most promising and impactful organizations to grow their capacity for social change.


Bright Pink Transition to Venture Philanthropy

Aim & Arrow was intimately involved in Bright Pink’s expansion from a small start-up non-profit to a fully scaled, high impact program model reaching hundreds of thousands of women annually to proactively manage their breast and ovarian health. In 2022, Aim & Arrow returned to Bright Pink to support its founder, Lindsay Avner, to transition the organization’s pioneering programs to Dana Farmer Cancer Institute. In parallel, Bright Pink re-launched as a venture philanthropy fund – investing in mission partners whose promise to advance health equity, while nascent, held tremendous growth potential.


Playful Learning Landscapes

In 2017, Aim & Arrow supported McCormick Foundation, Steans Family Foundation, and a group of philanthropic peers to explore the potential of launching ‘Learning Landscapes’ in Chicago and beyond. Aim & Arrow supported the research and design of an effort to leverage the built environment to increase opportunities for families to engage with their young children in brain-building activities.


Clean Tech Economy Coalition

When approached by mHUB to convene partners for a joint proposal to advance the clean tech economy as part of the Build Back Better regional challenge, Aim & Arrow supported facilitation and project design of 16 initiatives across 19 partnering organizations. As a result of the project design and proposal submission, the Coalition was awarded $500,000 to launch an Illinois regional growth cluster oriented towards resilient, equitable recovery using clean tech as a commercial tool to grow capacity across Illinois.


Family Connects Chicago

Aim & Arrow began working with the Mayor’s Office at the City of Chicago and the Chicago Department of Public Health in 2018 to explore the potential of scaling a relatively small intervention, tested in Durham North Carolina, to a city as expansive as Chicago. Through research, program design, and pilot testing, Aim & Arrow Group adapted the intervention and helped launch Family Connects Chicago – resulting in an in-home nurse service available to all Chicago families with newborns.


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Woman writing

Develop a clear path to impact